2 weeks' physical and mental training for your body and soul in a small group of participants.
Working in the sea, mountains and on a rooftop. Creating dance movies. Connect your self with the Sun, the Moon, the Oasen and the Wind.
A boost of spiritedness for the Spring of 2026.
Here you have the possibility to challenge your own physical skills and to build up a new strong body awareness for your future professional career as a performer.
Tenerife is one of the warmest places in Europe in January, so why not give yourself 2 weeks with Sun, Healthy Food and New Possibilities.
I have put together a great team of physical tutors who are ready to guide you in exploring Ballet, Butoh and the GPS Movement System.
The Movement Academy is open to all levels. You can make your own weekly programme, whether these disciplines are new to you, or you are an advanced dancer with or without a disability.
We will start the morning with Yoga and continue with various workshops. The day will round off in our movement laboratory, where we will explore all your creativity with an artistic, unlimited spirit.
Agin this year in the Open Space 2026 we are going to explore the Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca, and the Winter Movement Academy 2026 will end with the creation of site specific dance movies created together in The Open Space 2026.
The Winter Movement Academy is a great boost of healthy eating, daily exercises and 2 weeks of exploring your own body.
The Academy is for disabled and non-disabled performers working and creating together.
A privet assessment will be made by the Winter Movement Academy for each individual participants around personal needs and Health and Safety.
Arriving Saturday the 10th of January
Departure Saturday the 24th of January
Full price 2 week WMA LAB2025: 600EUR
Price by Weekly booking: 400EUR
Deposit for securing a place: 100EUR
Early Bird price booked before 1st of December 2025 500EUR
We can offer cheap accommodation in the students house 10 min walk from the beach, for the first 6 participants.
A perfect new start for 2026