The GPS Movement System is an emotional body memory system based on a serie of 4 x 60 min classes focosing on the bodys biomechanics conection true spine and hips.
The system is created for dancers, actors and mime artists. Suitable for any performer:
Who creates their own material, or who forms part of a group devising process.
Who creates movements or longer choreographic sequences based on text.
Who creates stories based on movements from their own world of experience and memories.
GPS M S SRC is 60 min class based on physical movements created from the performer's spine, which are sent through the body, by focusing on the body's closing and opening impulses, and are boosted with melodramatic feelings - as a physical mask - put on the face, the shoulders, the bottom, the knees and the feet.
By repeating the 60 minutes GPS MS sessions a minimum of 3 times, the sessions will create an emotional spine release, which will help the performer to reconnect and clean their own emotions through the session. This will help the performer to recognize their own emotions and create clean and organic movements.
GPS M S BMC is a 60 min class based on biomechanic movements connected from the hips
GPS M S CTC is a 60 min class based on the counting and cordination of movements
GPS M S RFS is a 60 min warm up and conection class
The GPS M S SRC has 3 faces:
A 60 minutes body cleaning and strengthening session
Personal unique 99 movements alphabet and
The ensemble devising tool
Physical 60 minutes Body Cleaning & Strengthening Session.
In this 60 minutes movement session you will be working from standing up to laying down to standing up again.
Tapping, shaking and boosting your body with energy. A 60 minutes journey through the melodramatic feelings - explored and connected from your spine. This system will boost and clean your movements as a performer and connect your movements as an ensemble.
Your Personal Unique 99 Movements Alphabet.
From melodramatic feelings you will create 16 circles of movements, 9 personal movements and 6 connecting movements. These 99 movements will be your personal movements alphabet, created out of your own Movement DNA.
The Ensemble Devising Tool.
If you work on a solo performance you will create your movements from the spine through your unique 99 movements alphabet and action movements. If you work as an ensemble - the 99 Movements Alphabet will connect you as an ensemble through the devising process of the ensemble's unique Movements DNA.
Through the tool system it will be possible for the ensemble to create movements combined with text and voice. Movements based on a combination of plastic/ mechanic/ emotion.
Tutor Denni Dennis
Butoh opens our bodies to be moved by images and energies.
Our inner ear is tuned in on the vibrations of the surroundings, allowing us to travel through an abstract narrative.
These classes are based in a variety of exercises where the dance appears out of individual and shared stories.
Already from the warm up we work with emptying the mind, to give space to impulses and creativity, so we can immerse into a state of deep presence and attention.
Tutor: Sonja Salkowitsch
In my teaching of Classical Ballet I focus on the technique behind the steps and the many details which is hidden in them.
I work with the natural grace, softness and strength in feet and legs (slow/fast), good placement and lengthening the body.
The combinations are based on simplicity so the dancer can focus on the technique.